Do VS Make

Do VS Make

In foreign languages 'do' and 'make' often translate to the same verb. In English they are used for similar descriptions, but they are not interchangeable  Let's find out when to use 'do'  VS 'make'.

Let's find out when to use 'do' VS 'make'.​

"We're going to the cinema on Monday night".
"These animals hibernate in Winter".
"The plane takes off at 19.05pm".


  • DO is used when talking about work, jobs or tasks. But, they do not produce any physical object.

    She does her work tasks in the morning.
    Do you meditate?
    Have you done your homework?

  • DO is used when we refer to activities in general without being specific. In these cases, we normally use words like thing, something, nothing, anything, everything.

    Hurry up! I’ve got things to do!
    Don’t just stand there – do something!
    Is there anything I can do to help you?

  • We sometimes use DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious.
    This is more common in informal spoken English.

    Do I need to do my hair? (do = brush or comb)
    Have you done the dishes yet? (done = washed)
    I’ll do the kitchen if you do the lawns (do = clean, do = mow)

  • DO can also be as an auxiliary verb
    (for making questions in the present tense.

    Do you like to do yoga?
    Do you prefer hot or cold?


  • MAKE is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new.

    Our house was built in 1933.
    Did you make that vase?

  • MAKE is used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something.

    His wedding ring is made of gold.
    Wine is made from grapes.
    The watches were made in Switzerland.

  • We use MAKE for producing an action or reaction.

    Onions make your eyes water.
    You make me happy.
    It’s not my fault. My brother made me do it!
  • You use MAKE before certain nouns about plans and decisions.

    He made arrangements to finish work early.
    They’re making plans for the weekend.
    You need to make a decision right now.
  • We use MAKE with nouns about speaking and certain sounds.

    She made a nice comment about my dress.
    The baby is asleep so don’t make any noise.
    Can I use your phone to make a call?

  • We use MAKE with food, drink and meal.

    I made a cake for her birthday.
    She made a cup of tea.
    I must go now – I have to make dinner.

  • DO can also be as an auxiliary verb
    (for making questions in the present tense).

    Do you like to do yoga?
    Do you prefer hot or cold?
    Did you do the dishes?

Questions, doubts, still unclear?